He Is The Light That Leads Us Home

Recently I have felt very distant from the Lord. My Younglife leader helped me realize that these are the times we need to reach out to Him even more; these are the times we need to pray and ask Him for guidance.

For those of you who do not know me on a personal level, I have had an ongoing struggle throughout my life in believing someone that I cannot see. It used to be hard to believe such a great higher power would let everything that I have gone through, well, happen. I have struggled to accept that Jesus is all man and all God. I recently came to know Christ two years ago and it has been the best thing to ever happen to me. This does not mean my life is in order nor very enjoyable all the time. This does not mean all my prayers and every wish are granted. This does mean I have a friend. A friend that will listen to me whenever I need Him and make decisions to my prayers that may not be what I wanted but is what is in my best interest.

To know that the God of the universe is not only my Father but my friend makes me oh so joyful. I get to talk to him whenever I want. He’s seen me at my worst and at my very best. You will never find a better friend.

As I was saying I’ve felt very distanced from Him the past few weeks – but what is so great about this is that I have noticed how lost I have been without Him. Life is much greater when we rejoice in the Lord.

So I want to note that when you feel like you have gone astray or maybe you are questioning your faith, go to HIM about it. You can go to your friends about it, I actually recommend that, but it is not the same, fulfilling feeling you get when you speak to Him. You can go to alcohol and try to drink away the pain you’re feeling, guess what, that’s not everlasting. You can go to a boyfriend/girlfriend but they will never love you as much as our Savior does. Go to Him. This is the man who raised a man from the dead. This is the man who stood up for an adulteress who was about to get stoned to death. This is the man who had dinner with with a man that we would consider “a bigger sinner than us”. You have 24/7 access to this man. He is your father, He is your friend.

Run to Him, don’t be afraid.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”     Joshua 1:9