[temporary] HEARTBREAK

As teenagers, a lot of us start dating. It can be so great and exhilarating. You get to know someone who may have been a friend or maybe a stranger like the back of your hand. The two of you get to experience so much together. Although this is all so great, dating ends in one of two ways- marriage or breakup. Recently I was in my first real serious relationship. We were at it for a little over a year. One day something just changed. When you realize that things are no longer the same, it really hurts and you know what’s coming next. After a breakup, it’s really hard to get back to the old you.

  The places that you used to go to together, you can no longer go because memories come flooding back. The hundreds of pictures you guys took… going through and deleting all those off of your phone, well that’s the worst. When you realize that his friends that you loved, well they are HIS friends. You close your eyes and there they are. You dream about them. You are heart broken.

Although this feeling lasts a while and it just straight up sucks {there’s not really a nicer way to put it} I promise one day we will be okay.

I was roaming twitter a couple days after my break up and saw something i loved that i want to share, it goes like this;

God says, “the reason some people have turned against you and walked away from you without reason, has nothing to do with you. It is because they cannot go where I am taking you next. They will only hinder you in your next level because they have already served their purpose in your life. Let them go and keep moving. Greater is coming.” Says The Lord.

   Yes it hurts now and it probably will for a while but think about what wonderful person God has planned for you to spend the rest of your life with. Someone is going to love you with all their heart and try to give you the world for most of their life. So when memories are flooding back or you’re tempted to text or call them, just remember, one day you are going to find better. One day you will be okay. This is one of Gods many promises to us.