Making you proud

Your birthday is coming up next week. This is the first year I’ve acknowledged your birthday, its so sad. You would be turning 48.

   The holidays were pretty rough this year. I didn’t think it would be hard for me considering we haven’t had a Christmas together in years. But it still made me sad. Imagining Hunter, Keighyn, Tiffinie, Jaye, and Caidyn spending Christmas knowing you’re not here anymore breaks my heart. But I know you were watching over us throughout all of this.
    You’d be so proud of the women we’re all turning into. We all had our issues and our failures but we’ve all bounced back and started new. I wish you were able to do that too. I wish you could see us all now.

Tiffinie is fighting to hard to stay clean and start over. You should see how hard she is working for her baby girl. She has help this time around from all of her sisters and Aunts. We’re not giving up on her like some of us did you.

Megun has become such an amazing wife and mom. I think she watched the decisions you made and realized that wasn’t the type of mother she wanted to be. The compassion in her voice when she talks about her little family warms my heart.

Jaye is the glue holding this family together. Without her, who knows how our relationships with each other would be. Having her own family and a job isn’t enough for her, she has to make sure that all of her sisters are okay and that we all know how much she loves us.

Ryan continues to astound me in everything she does. Between being an awesome single mother, just graduating college not too long ago and already having a job, I believe there is nothing she can’t do. Not to mention she is always there to be your shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold- literally.

As for me I’m just working, looking into starting cosmetology school. I’ve been on my own for two years and just moved in with my soulmate and our 3 little fur babies.

Hunter is SO strong. I don’t know how she does it. All that she’s been through yet shes finishing school and moving to college next year to begin her life. She’s so smart and so talented.

Sidnee is beautiful. I can’t wait to finally meet her one day. She’s smart and seems well grounded. She’s also so lucky she has always has had Meg by her side.

Keighyn continues to make my heart grow. The love she has for Hunter is a love like no other. Seeing the two of them grieve together was so sad yet so powerful. She’s going to grow up strong just like the rest of us.

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