Growing Up Without Your Best Friend

hunter and I meeting

Many people grow up with siblings that later in life become their best friends. Growing up, I had many siblings- whether they were half, step, or full siblings- I only became close with a select couple. I was blessed enough to get to see my little sister Hunter when I going into the sixth grade. Even though she lived and Kansas and I from Ohio, after that we became closer than ever. 800 miles had nothing on us. We talked on the phone, skyped a lot, and facebook messaged back and forth. We had become so close that going days without speaking to her became some of the most difficult days of my life. But unfortunately as we grew older, we started losing contact and for that, I am sorry. I blame myself. I was the older sibling and I tried to be there for you as best as I could, but things got difficult for us. We started arguing more and more, letting our family and our pasts get in the way of not only our sisterhood but our friendship. Spending most of our lives apart from each other is definitely one of the hardest things that has ever happened to me. We were super close as children then we were ripped out of each others lives. We became close again and I let personal life choices get in the way. I hope you know I regret not trying harder. I would do absolutely anything for you. Seeing pictures of you with your new family melts my heart. Its so relieving to see you finally have a sincere smile on that pretty face of yours. You deserve it. When my friends see pictures of you and tell me we look like twins, my heart kind of breaks, because there’s no better feeling in the world than being told you look like a role model of yours. Yes, that’s what I said. You my adorable mini-me, are such a role model to me. You have gone through so much, we both have. But you have gone through it most of your life, where as I got out of it fairly early. Yet you have still come out being one of the most loving and amazing people I have ever met. I love you and I sincerely hope that you forgive me for the years we have lost and I can not wait for the years ahead of us, and hopefully we can grow closer than ever.

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