Its okay

You left her and she was so lost for so long. Truthfully she still is. When you left you took whoever she was with you, she lost herself completely. Her grades dropped, she lost contact with her friends, her family relationships became so damaged because she was physically there but not emotionally. She started drinking a lot… A little too much. It became so painful she drank alone in her room on school nights. She started smoking, it helped her anxiety when she started thinking about you, she never really stopped thinking about you. She stopped eating, she would throw up whatever she tried to eat. She would come home from school and try to sleep but lie awake, crying, thinking of you. Thinking about what she did to make you stop loving her. You still have never told her. She started sleeping with boys that meant nothing to her. She had never done that before. She got too used to it too fast. None of them meant anything to her. Not like you did. When you left, you took whoever she was with you. Looking back at it now, I’m thankful that you did. Because the girl I was didn’t love herself. She needed you to feel loved. Now, almost 10 months later, you’re gone and haven’t tried talking to her but thats okay. Its okay that you left because she has learned to love herself and be happy without depending on anyone else. She’s finally okay that you left and I hope for her sake you never come back because all the work she’s done to put herself back together would be pointless because no matter what you did to her she would still choose you.

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