
We all make them. Looking back at our mistakes is so hard because we know we cannot go back and change them. We cannot go back in the past once something horrible happens and change our decision. You’re stuck. You let your mistakes eat at you until you can barely breathe. Knowing that life was supposed to be different. It could have been different. You didn’t have to end up like this. You could have made another choice and things could have worked in your favor. But because of that one tiny mistake, your life takes a toll. Because of that one choice, everything else is effected by it. Like dominoes. And it sucks, because there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. No rewinding the clock. No changing it. You are stuck because of one wrong decision. A lot of the time you may be able to fix it. Not change it, but fix it. There are some mistakes, though, that you will never be able to fix. It will forever pain your heart. It will make you lose your sanity. When you are going to make a decision, think long and hard about it. Because whether you choose to believe it or not, it will have an everlasting effect on your life.

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