I Love You [love]

I love you. Three words that people claim we throw around too much. I say that we don’t tell people this enough.

Who are you to tell someone when they can tell a person they love them? Who are you to tell someone they are too young to know what love is? Have you ever thought these three words could have an impact on someone’s day? Seriously, go up to someone today and tell them you love them I guarantee you won’t regret it.

Love is not just a word, its not just a feeling, its a bunch of feelings mixed together; happiness, sadness, confusion, exhaustion, joyfulness, depression, etc. When people hear the word “love” I guarantee you most people tie it in with happiness. But think about it; a lot of us love our parents even though they may frustrate us to the point that we want to pull our hair out. Significant others, oh boy we love them but sometimes we get jealous or overprotective and become filled with worry. Love is so much more than being happy.

Love is that heart wrenching feeling you get when you see your significant other talking to another person that you think is 100x more attractive than you. Love is that sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you think you are going to lose your girlfriend/ boyfriend because of stupid mistakes or arguments. Love is the feeling of neglect you get when your parents or guardians pay more attention to a younger sibling. Love is the tears that well up in your eyes when a loved one gets married and is moving on to bigger and better things or maybe the heart break you feel when someone you are close to passes away.

People are correct when they say love is more than a word but very wrong then they say we say it too much. I believe we don’t say it enough.