my VIP, my YL leader


  We all hope to have those friends who truly love you, I found mine.
About two years ago Megan became not only my younglife leader but my close friend. Not many people will ask you how your life has been since the last time you saw them and truly and sincerely listen. Not many people will pick you up every Monday and Wednesday to take you to a bible study. Not many people will wake up early to take you to get your prom hair done, or come to your homecoming pictures, or go on endless panera and chipotle dates and tell you amazing stories and honest facts about our God the Father; and not many people want you to love Jesus more than you love them. But Megan does. You are so wonderful and such a blessing to me. Thank you for being a great sister in Christ and pursuing me when I just want to give up. Jesus works through you so much and I’m so glad He’s having you help guide me to Him. Thank you my sweet friend.

Get the best of senior year; Don’t let senior year get the best of you.

  We are told senior year is supposed to be a time you’ll never forget. Its supposed to be the greatest year of your life. But what makes this true? Being the leaders of the student section at football games? Prom? Off campus lunch? Senior tag? Yes, all this stuff is great but you know why I’m excited for senior year? I’m excited to be a leader in my school. I’m ready to take on the under classmen and be role models.

Often seniors let being the oldest of the school get the best of them. Some talk bad of the lower classmen. Some start partying; drinking, smoking, drugs. Some don’t change at all. As seniors we need to step up and be true leaders and role models of the school. Little things matter… Ask a lower classmen to sit with you at lunch or go to a football game with you; reach out to the kids that may not be considered popular; or it could be something as simple as say hi to a new freshman everyday in the hallway. I promise it will make a difference. Don’t let being a senior get the best of you. Reach out, be a friend.

What A Friend We Have In Jesus


As a teenager in highschool we are confronted with so many questions and decisions; what are good enough grades, what time or how many goals do I have to get to make the varsity team, am I going to be popular or be considered an outcast, what am I going to do when I get out of highschool? These are all really hard questions but when I began highschool the hardest question I was confronted with was, “Are you a Christian?” or “Do you believe in God?”

My answer: I don’t know, do I?

Although I have been raised by a Christian grandmother since the age of 8 I never really understood what being a Christian meant and I really didn’t want to understand. I used to believe that if there was a  “God” why have so many horrible things happened to me that I had no control over. I was just a baby. I was completely shut out to the possibility that there could be a higher power that was watching this horrible stuff happen to me, to my family, to the world.

Then my sophomore year of high school hit and my world changed forever.

As a freshman I kept getting asked to come to something called Younglife. I viewed it as a stupid youth group that talked about stupid stuff that I didn’t believe in so I was constantly turning peoples offers to take me, down. My sophomore year rolls around and a friend of mine who was a senior on my swim team kept pursuing me to go and would not leave me alone. I also thought wow its so cool that a senior cares so much about me so I decided to give it a shot. I went on one Wednesday night and I was hooked because it was a fun thing not because I was learning about this man named Jesus Christ. I went back every week. Later that year in November we went to something called Fall Weekend. It was younglife for a whole weekend!

Fall weekend was a ton of fun, little did I know that my last night there was I going to except Jesus into my life and admit to him I needed him to guide me.

Ever since I’ve been a strong younglife goer. I’ve been to two fall weekends, two summer camps, and I go to younglife and the bible study we have on Mondays called campaigners all the time!

For anybody who may take the time to read this, even if you go to a school that doesnt have a program like younglife or maybe your out of school, I push you to learn about Jesus. My relationship with Him didn’t necessarily make my life all rainbows and sunshine’s but it is so much better because I have a person to confide in with any problem, and the best part is HE ALWAYS FORGIVE YOU.

p.s. the pic above is my first fall weekend where God became the biggest priority in my life.

A Wee Bit About Me




My name is Justys (pronounced Justice). Odd spelling I know, but I believe it adds to my odd yet fun and tasteful personality. I’m 17 years old and a senior in high school. I created this personal blog because I absolutely love writing and what’s easier to write about than yourself, what you love doing, and your experiences as you begin to take your steps into adulthood? I’m keeping this introduction short to keep more stories and adventures about myself for later blogs, I hope you come along for the journey into my life. (: